Informational Purposes Only
Good day Carriers,
This website is intended for informational purposes only.
It’s not a union based website. It’s not a management based website.
It’s just my website to get out information to all of you about things you may find interesting or helpful.
Here are some things it might include:
- Personal announcements
- Information from union meetings or events
- Helpful work tips
- Upcoming events that you may want to be aware of
- Carrier submitted pictures or information
What it should not include for security:
- Any promotion of organizations unless for informational purposes only
- Last names of employees or any other personal information unless permission is granted by the individual
- Any political party information, announcements, or endorsements
- No pictures, unless permission is granted by both provider and webmaster
I intend this to be our website.
If you have anything you would like to be posted, please send it to me at This is the email I use for union work.
Please feel free to send comments or suggestions.
Thank you,