December ‘V Time’

Good day Carriers,

In case you don’t know already, in December ‘V’ time goes away. It is part of the contract that the USPS and NALC have agreed to.

One could say that this is horrible, that since December is when the Letter Carriers work the hardest, they should get paid the ‘V’ or ‘double time’ when they work over ten hours in a day or over 56 hours in a week.

However, the USPS wants to, to lower overtime, hire temporary holiday help. The NALC doesn’t want the USPS to hire holiday help, since then all overtime will be taken from its members.

So, the compromise is no holiday help, but also no ‘V’ or ‘double time’.

Anyhow, the no ‘V’ time period starts December 3 and ends in the last week of December.

See you soon,
