
Good day carriers,

It’s important that you take your two authorized ten minute breaks each day.

Not only does your body need the rest, even if you don’t think it does, but the union fought hard in the early days of the industrial revolution to get workers a short break during the day.

In addition, by missing just one break a day, you are clocking out a bit earlier and this means you are making less money.

Missing one ten minute break a day, not including the overtime rate or if you work six days a week, means you are getting paid about $1,000 less each year.

I don’t know about you, but I can use that $1000.

The USPS and the NALC agreed, in our contract, to give you two ten minute breaks a day. Why wouldn’t you take it?

Another note: We are not supposed to combine a break with lunch, combine a break with other breaks, and you don’t have to run to the bathroom on your break only. Bathroom use is not considered a break.

Thank you,

  • Dave