New Contract?

Good day Carriers,

In case you weren’t aware, negotiations for a new contract have started.

Here are a few things that are coming up for negotiations in no particular order:

– Getting rid of the CCA workforce and moving to an entire Career carriers from day 1 of hire. Over 100 offices nationwide have already had all CCAs converted to PTFs. It’s unfair that this has happened in some offices to increase retention and has not happened in other offices.

– Significant raises to make this hard manual labor job more attractive to new employees. Many companies are competing for new people in the workforce and the USPS is no longer offering competitive wages.

– Making any time that employees spent as a CCA part of their service time in the USPS.

– COLAs for the future. Please remember that without the NALC, we would have no COLAs. It’s hard to notice, but COLAs have given you more than a $1000 a year raise recently.

– Ideas about safety for Carriers. There has been an increase of violent attacks on Carriers nationwide in recent years.

Send any questions to…

See you soon!

– Game Master Dave