NALC National Convention 2024

Good day carriers,

I got a chance to attend the NALC National Convention, August 5-9, 2024 with my Branch 6000 brothers and sisters.

Overall, it was educational, interesting, and fun.

I’ll try to give some brief overviews here on this website. I hope you find it interesting. Please feel free to email me questions at

On Monday morning, I attended a class on updates from the Contract Administration Unit. Here are some brief notes:

  • There was some discussion about the PostalEase hack. There were ‘dummy sites’ that were made in order to get sensitive carrier sign-in credentials. They ask carriers to be aware of this and make sure they are on the right website. Look at the URL address and close the tab if they have any suspicions.
  • M-02000 was about the caser/streeter test. With no changes implemented, this case was closed.
  • Some discussion about how the USPS is backlogged on making background checks on new employees. Apparently, there have been cases where the USPS finishes the background check after the new CCA has completed a 90 day probationary period and they still fired them. Many grievances have been filed and the USPS will need to fix this.
  • Some investigation into if the new blue hampers are safe, since they have springs in them.
  • Some discussion about using the MDD for Arrow key sign-out and sign-in.
  • Some discussion about the USPS doctored training records in regards to Heat Injury Training.
  • M-02004 that gives a 31-day moratorium on grievances due to the National Convention. 7/27-8/26
  • M-02002 continuing the 520-day vacation carryover into 2025.
  • Currently over 5,000 Arbitration cases pending.
  • DRT Update: 159 active teams, but still have backlog of 10,000+ Step B cases.
  • The MRS has been recently updated and is available on

I’ll try and send some more updates as well.

Thank you for reading,

  • Steward Dave